Week 43: Gone Fishing

Alrighty alrighty folks looks like another week has came on through! I'll let you know a little bit what we've been up to! Sickness is not a weakness So my awesome companion Elder Trounce this week sadly came down with a fever on Monday and then was out of the action Tuesday as well as the fever morphed into some crazy nausea stomach stuff. When that was going on it gave me the opportunity to make like probably 200 calls Hahaha.. It was a lot but in all it taught me a really big lesson about missionary work! We can do missionary work and accomplish our purpose in so many ways! But the thing I noticed more than anything else was the joy that comes as we do all we can to bloom where we're planted. Maybe inside our apartment isn't the best place to be effective. However, because that was where we were gonna have to be as I put forth all the effort I could focused on what I was doing I did all that work so happily and I felt great power and the spirit with me al...