Week 42: God's Little Cows
I feel like SOOO much has happened since last week and then at the same time the time just flew by! I'll try to do my best and keep you all in the loop of what we were up to this week!
The transfer calls came and our whole district is staying!! Which is awesome we're gonna get stuff done!
Table Shopping
Alright, so we have this super massive street in Nikolaev which is like the place to be! It's busy all the time except for mornings but like we're talking busy busy busy. Then the double bonus is it's not busy because it's like the main street or anything it's just busy because it's a really pleasant place to walk. So prime place to find if you are all getting the picture. We wanted to try out doing a Book of Mormon table on this street but the problem was we don't have a table!!! So that's a big problem in this situation. On Monday we went table shopping and we found a nice little guy for 963 hyrivnas. He worked like a champ. We found this super cool man with the awesome name of Zacharias. He's amazing.
Book of Mormon Club!
We started back up a Book of Mormon club here in Nikolaev. There was one earlier but it wasn't really going super well, so we had to drop it. But on Thursday we tried to start it back up and we had a little group of 4 there! It was awesome! After I was talking to Elder Skyba and he told me he didn't want it to end! It was super cool. They were really into it and we're teaching each other about the Book of Mormon and asking awesome questions.
God's Little Cows
Alright so this week I was on an exchange with Elder Skyba and he's from Ukraine and so I was learning so much good language things. In Russian in Ukrainian- it was super awesome! Super fun! We were walking along the street and Elder Skyba really loves nature. Trees, flowers, bugs, you name it. And these are all things that I don't know the names for in Russian so we are just walking and walking he's been listing names of things as we see them. A lot of them are pretty similar names to English and then out of nowhere he points and says, "божья коровка" Which translates to "God's little cow" So in this moment you can imagine my confusion haha. I'm looking around for some baby cows or something and then he continues on to explain to me that God's little cows are little small bugs that fly and have red backs with black polka dots on them. Yeah so here in Russian Ladybugs are actually "God's little cows!" So awesome haha
For this one we have to rewind back to April! When I was still serving with Elder Pedersen we met this man on the street that was awesome. He was very interested in meeting with us and speaking to us more we got his number and planned to meet the next day. When we called to confirm the meeting he didn't answer and he didn't ever show up. The next couple weeks his phone wouldn't even ring anymore and we practically gave up. Then not long ago I felt that we should call him so we did! He picked up and still really wanted to meet with us. He told us his phone had been broken. He's seen that we'd called but didn't have enough money on his phone card to return our calls. After this we then lost contact with him for another 3 weeks or so. Until Yesterday he called us up and was ready to meet! We were so excited! We met with him and he told us that he has great desire to change and to bring the gospel into his life! It was amazing to see how the Lord all this time has been preparing him! He is so ready for the Gospel and I know it will bless him!! We can't ever give up on these people! The Lord is performing a mighty work and preparing the hearts of men!
Spiritual Thought!
In the world today we have many experiences and challenges! Hard times and good times, joys and sorrows. Our Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for us, He loves us and knows us personally. He is always offering us a hand up there to lift and help us. No matter what our challenges our difficulties Heavenly Father is mindful of us and he is giving us these experiences to bless us! As we turn to him he will strengthen and help us! I know that to be true!
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Love you all and wish you the best week!!
Elder Halls
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the new addition to our companionship (the table) he never gives up |
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the bees here are massive... terrifying. My family didn't believe me |
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Elder Skyba wanted to touch the water because the road was literally right next to it |
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Ukrainian Food!! Borsch and Puree |
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Angel wings |
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