Week 8 Provo - Paris - Ukraine here we come
Well everybody my time at the MTC is pretty much over! We have less days left than we have had weeks here and it's getting super real! The excitement in the zone about getting to our fields of labor is through the roof! We're going to be sad to say goodbye to everyone but it is crazy that this moment is here and this time next week I'll be doing the real thing somewhere out in Ukraine! Now to this week! We've been having a great week we are putting in lots of hard work trying to make this last week the best we can and it has been super amazing so far! We've had a strong spirit with us and our Russian has been coming along really well also!! On friday we got our flight plans and I will be leaving the MTC on monday to go to PARIS and then from Paris we fly to Ukraine! We lucked out with our flight plans others in our zone have to leave pretty early but we'll each lunch here at the MTC or (the last supper) and then from there we'll all head out to the ...