Week 7: Славу Украиния

Another amazing week!! It's crazy to me that my time here at the MTC is almost up! I only have one more P-day where I'll right you and then my weekly email after that will be from Ukraine! Many different things and experiences in the past week have been getting me excited to get to Ukraine and begin to serve the people there and share the message of the gospel with them! I love to serve and I love this work and I love the people of Ukraine.

A few things that happened from this week! The Russian is coming along really well I feel like there is a break through everyday when I sit back and realize how far I've come it really is super amazing! I know it is only through the hand of the Lord and the gift of tongues that I have been able to learn as much as I have! I just am so excited about the language I love to speak it and study it and talk about it with others haha! I wish everyone knew a little Russian because then a lot more things I find funny and exciting about it would make sense to you a little bit more but what can you do! English is really cool too I guess haha.

A couple really cool experiences this week! We got a ton of new missionaries in our zone this week 27! and my companions are the zone leaders so I got to stick around with them and welcome all the new missionaries and that was such a great experience! It was fun to see there excitement about being here on a mission on there very first day! And another cool part of it is that 6 of them are going to Dnipro as well! That makes 13 of us in the MTC right now! A cool thing to share about my mission is that in the Eastern Europe Area that average number of missionaries in each of the missions is usually about 50 but in Ukraine it's about 100 because the work there is progressing so quickly! There are a lot of people heading into the country and more and more missionaries being called and I'm so excited to be going to a cool place like that!!

We had another opportunity to teach a lesson with a member from Russia and it went super well! I understood basically everything that she was saying which makes me think she had to be speaking nice and slow for us haha! I know as good as I think I am in the language getting to Ukraine will wake me up and I'll realize how much farther I have to go! Whenever I think I'm doing super well I just keep pushing forward studying more and learning more! 

We had a lot of great spiritual experiences this week I've been learning a lot about how I can magnify my days and fill them with service and the spirit and helping others and when I do that those are the best days! I got assigned to be the District Leader and that has been a good opportunity! I have grown so close to my district in the MTC I'll be sad to see the sisters and Elder Grover head to Russia while the rest of us go to Dnipro but it'll all end out okay! There is wisdom in all things and the Lord knows where he needs us! This week I am sure of that more than ever!!

I just want to share a couple thoughts that have been strong on my mind this week now for a little bit! It is so so important that we live in such a way that we can keep the spirit with us in our lives! We have the white handbook that is full of different suggestions and guidelines for missionary work! I've realized that as I follow those I am able to have the spirit with me closer which is so important in missionary work! There are many people out in the field who we will need to be able to find so we can teach them and just by ourselves we won't be able to know who it is we need to talk to where we should go or who is ready for the message of the gospel! Our own judgement is not good enough when need the guidance of the spirit as well! If we will live in such a way that it will be with us always our steps will always be guided! I'm so excited to be a missionary! I love study the gospel I love having the spirit with me constantly as I strive to do what the Lord asks! I love to teach and serve others and I know I am where I need to be!


Elder Halls


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