Week 18 Just Come Inside
Alright Everybody since I skimped out on a lengthy email last week with details about everything this week I have some extra work to do to catch you all up on how things are going here in Ukraine for us! Lets see if I even know where to start haha 2 weeks is way long ago on the mission a lot happens in that kinda time. Last week we were getting ready for Christmas and we had our special Christmas Sacrament meeting as well as this combined Branch Christmas party and the building in Center so getting ready for that we wanted to get invitations out to both the party and the sacrament to a bunch of the less active members in our area so we grabbed Polyakov and he joined us as we went searching for where these people live. In Ukraine like everyone lives in these big old apartment buildings like there aren't really any house in the city only these apartment complexes and there are soooo many oh my so it was a little difficult tax but it was fun we were searching for these less ac...