Week 17 Merry Christmas Everyone!!
This week is gonna have to be a little different email because I don't have tons of time to email because or P-day is on Christmas and we have a party with all the missionaries in Dnepr so it's not going to be a huge one but thought I would just share a few things from this week!
Had a super super awesome week! There were tons of great things that happened!! I literally have like no time to write about them though!
WE GOT ALEXANDER AND MARINA ON DATE so that was awesome somehow all is well with them again despite all the craziness the last little while we are excited about that we just need to get them to church! That is our main focus right now getting people to church!
I think we just found a new person to teach that I talked to on the marshrutka like 10 minutes ago super excited about him I'll write more about that on monday! His name is Kulia!
I'm doing well one of the members gave me like 3 huge compliments on my Russian different days this week so that was huge for me! All is well here in Dnepr and it's feeling like Christmas center is all lighted up with lights everywhere it's super cool!!
Love you all and hope all is going well! Merry Christmas I hope we remember our Savior at this special time!
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