Week 44 Zoo Park
Hey everyone!!!
Another week in Nikotown
We had a really good week this week! Things are picking up in Nikolaev it's awesome! We've been getting a lot more contacts which helps us get more meetings which helps us to get even more people to teach!! And best of all Zakaria accepted a Baptismal date!! Woohoo!
So the first few days of this week were just filled with amazing miracles! There were many times we were contacting when people would see us and walk right up and started conversations! We met a lot of people that way! And beyond that there were many moments where we were certain that the Lord was guiding us. One specific day we had planned to visit a member in the morning then study the hottest part of the day and contact in the evening! However the Lord had different plans for us! The member wasn't able to meet with us so we moved up our studies and then Sister Dobro called us and asked if we could run over to her apartment and help he out with these tiles and take them up to the 3rd floor. So we decided to head that way contacting and we met this man on the way Vlad!! We had a really good talk and got him a Book of Mormon and were trying to start teaching him! All in all it was just really cool to have the opportunity to meet this man and have the Lord lead us to moment like that from event to event throughout the course of the day!
He's doing super well like I said! He's such a testimony builder to me of the fact that the Lord is performing his miracles out here and preparing people to be taught and accept the gospel! I'm so excited for him looking forward and I already see how the gospel is giving him great hope!
The Zoo
This past week on P-day we took a trip to the Zoo it was fun! Apparently we've got the best zoo in Ukraine here in Nikolaev so we couldn't miss the opportunity to see this place right! Haha it was really fun! I was glad we went! My favorite part was the monkeys, they're the most entertaining off all the animals for sure. However the star of the whole zoo was the Polar Bear. He's been developing over the years to bring the greatest show in the whole park. He walks back and forth and when he gets to the wall he practices his best on a dime turn and then does another loop. He's so good at it he even can do it in the water! I took a video I hope you enjoy seeing his trick.
Spiritual Thought!
Recently I've been studying in the Old testament so I want to talk a little bit that this week. The children of Israel were in the wilderness for 40 years. They were constantly looking to and turning to God for help. Everyday they went out and gathered manna. The manna would only keep one day so they went out everyday. A constant reminder that God was there and blessing them. This is not the only sign and blessings that God sent there are many, but you get the point!
1 Nephi 17:30
"And notwithstanding they being led, the Lord their God, their Redeemer, going before them, leading them by day and giving light unto them by night, and doing all things for them which were expedient for man to receive"
We too in everyday have constant blessings and signs the Lord sends to us! We can do much to daily show him we remember him and want to follow him! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ must come apart of our everyday life! A BIG PART OF IT! We can do so much with the Lord's constant help and strength and should always turn to and rely on him!
Love you all lots!!
Elder Halls
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Part of the zoo crew
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Soviet Portrait |
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