Week 45 Миссионерская работа - это самое главное! Прежде всего!
Well hello everybody! Another week has come to a close! It was a really good one! I'll tell you a little bit about what we've been doing!
The Glory Days
So on monday this past week we took it to the soccer field with the district! It was super hot and we were sweating up a storm but we had some fun together which was awesome! I really enjoyed that! I have like zero soccer skills and in 2 on 2 I think I only had like one goal but it was good to get outside and kick the ball around. I think my athletism is being sacrificed because I've about lost it all haha. But you do what you've gotta to serve so no worries. After some soccer Elder Croxall and I ran a lap around the track. It took me back to my old track and field days. The other Elders didn't believe that I used to be running a 2:08 800m. So they told me to show them what I could do. I'm a little out of shape but thought I could put up a decent 400 haha. I told them I could probably run it sub 72 and I ran and my time was 71.5 haha not too bad. I've guess my running skills aren't totally gone!
The Dealings
So this week we had zone conference on Friday, so on Thursday evening we headed on down to Odessa and had interviews with President! That was really good! That's is always a really good oportunity that I look forward to. The only problem was that because we had zone conf and what no we were out of our area for a day and a half. So the Saturday and Sunday we were scrambling a little bit to try and meet with some people and get things done. We stayed pretty busy which was good!
The People
We are kinda struggling with some of the people we are teaching. We are finding these people who are totally prepared, ready, and need this message in their lives! They are literally so ready for it all they need to do is do some reading and praying and show up to church and this will change their lives. But for some reason those three little things don't always prove to be so easy. It's okay though! We're patient and here to help everyone along. Zakaria has been busy this week and his phone actually stopped working too. So we are trying to get ahold of him because he needs this in his life so bad! I hope he's been reading though and progressing but he definitely needs our prayers.
Our new friend Mitya and our Polish traveler
So this week on Sunday we really felt that we needed to go to this specific park so we got there and it was kind of the time of day when most people aren't in the park so like no one was there. but we started walking around and searching for someone trying to figure out why we needed to be here. Pretty soon we ran into this younger guy about are age. And I stopped him and started to talk about English Practice, right away there was a prompting that was like this man is ready, so I started talking to him about the gospel and asked him if he had any questions and we went over and sat down together on this bench and had a way good conversation with this man! So now we are going to start teaching him! Super excited there! Also, 3 months ago with Elder Pedersen, we were teaching this man who's name is Kostya he is super awesome! he however moved to Poland to work for a little while which was super sad but now HE IS BACK! And he's ready to meet again! I hope the spirit has just been working on him! I'm excited to see how things go!
We have been working hard this week and learning so much! I have such a stronger and stronger testimony each day, that the Lord loves and knows us and he gives us exactly the experiences we need to learn and grow and become those people he needs us to be. Here is a scripture that really stood out to me this week: Deuteronomy 8:2
"2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to ahumble thee, and to bprove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no."
The Children of Israel went through so much! 40 YEARS!! I think in our lives we often go through hardship and times of struggle. In these times our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are never far away. Their support and love is constant. These times come so we can learn, grow, and show our faith. As we show faith the Lord will pour out blessings upon us! (Ether 12)
С любовью,
Elder Halls
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I dont know why they covered their chimney but its silly
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Odessa |
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Elder Argyle |
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Lviv Croissants (it's Bomb) |
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