Week 35: Христос Воскрес!!
Well to start off Happy Orthodox Easter everyone!! Haha like I mentioned last week (maybe, I forgot) Here in Ukraine they celebrate Easter a week later! It was super cool they have many cool traditions. Everyone takes their easter food (eggs, cakes, fruits, etc.) In baskets to the outside of the church and then the Orthodox priest comes out with like a wand/broom thing and a bucket full of water and he goes and "blesses" everyone and their food. So this priest is just dipping this broom in the bucket and then flinging water over everyone and their food. That was pretty exciting to be apart of haha. We got permission to go and participate from President Wirthlin so we went to go and see how they celebrate Easter here. Another cool thing that they do is everyone when walking on the street just says "Христос Воскрес!" (Christ is Risen!) and then you answer back "воистину воскрес!" (Truly, He is risen!) That was super cool maybe my favorite part. I...