Week 85: Ranglisky (if you can find out what that means I'm proud)

Alright here's the run down This was another wonderful week!! We had so many great things happening in our area and zone! Including Zone Conference which I thought went very well!! The spirit really abounded as we all shared in our different thoughts and impressions in relation to the Mission Motto. I thought it was very uplifting and I learned so much from all that was shared as we were together. We continue to teach many wonderful brothers! Many of our first lessons have now turned into 2nd and 3rd lessons. I've been amazed to see the teaching pool grow. I think we must all stop and take a second to more deeply realize the significance of the work still moving forward in tremendous ways even at such a time as this! With people progressing towards baptism. Missionaries staying VERY busy with lessons with those we are teaching, members of the church including recent converts and returning members. It's truly a marvelous time. We continue to work with many wonder...