Week 83: Business as usual
This has been such a great week!! Elder Wilson and I have really had a strong start! I think a big part of that came from good planning even as early as last weeks weekly planning. And setting goals to help Elder Wilson have the opportunity to meet with the leaders and many other members! As that was really a focus the plan and vision we had set in plan really motivated us to push past what we've done before and we really had one of our most successful weeks as apartment based missionaries and I definitely learned a lot!!
Elder Wilson
My new comp is from North Salt Lake he lives a little higher up on the mountain from where the Halls live so his family knows them, which is cool!! He played golf really well back in school and he's still got it. If we get the chance maybe we'll go play at the course here in Kharkiv. He's cool and we get along really well and have worked hard!!
it's been amazing to me to see the Lords guidance and hand especially at this time!! He's definitely playing a very active role in the leading of his Latter-day work! It's such a time to learn and grow and I really want to more deeply give my will to the Lord and become a more consecrated missionary. There have been many great learning experiences this week that I've had that are helping me learn how to do so!
Elders Quorum
This week Elder Atkinson and Elder Becktel lead a discussion with all the Elders in the mission and it was sooo cool!! It was cool to really understand what come follow me can and should be. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. I thought that was a unique and special experience that I'll remember for my whole life!
This week we had great success in finding! We've continued to work faithfully and do our best with the tools given and we saw many successes!! We were able to teach 5 first lessons this week! A couple of these new brothers are progressing well! Namely Kelvin and Alireza! These are some great international brothers here as students. Kelvin at the conclusion of the lesson offered a heartfelt and powerful prayer of gratitude!! We were so pleased to see from his prayer how grateful he was for the opportunity to meet as well as his desire to continue learning and his prayer for help and understanding!! We're excited that their teaching will continue on into this week!!
We also had a lot of meetings members returning, new converts, and other branch leaders!! It's so uplifting for us and them to have these special opportunities! We've been working closely with our branch President and he is really on top of things. He even gave us a couple ideas to try that we shared with different districts here in Kharkiv. One such idea is holding PMG lessons with the members and inviting them to join and invite their friends and just discussing the different lessons! We haven't yet tried it but we think it'll be really good for those members that want a little extra spiritual uplift and would also appreciate a low stress way to invited a friend to learn more about the Gospel. I hope they go well! The first one will be this Wednesday!
The branch is doing well and we're trying to help the leaders reach out too and lift some of the new converts that need some extra help in this time! Dima is doing tremendously well and progressing towards the Melchezidek Priesthood and a mission. This week we will complete the after baptism lessons. And in coordination with President Kalashnik we hope that his Melchizedek Preisthood lessons will also move forward!! His testimony is growing as well as his desire to share!!
Me and Elder Wilson have set really great goals and we've been really supportive for each other and it's been really uplifting. We've already learned a lot about each other and have a great trust and strength! Also as a district we are very unified in helping the branch and the other missionaries. I think there is a lot that can be done in this time and I believe the Lord wants to use us as instruments in bringing about a lot of great things here in Kharkiv.
I'm grateful for this time and I'm learning so much! I have much to improve and I'm far from perfect but I feel the power of the Atonement in my life and I feel the Lords love and support!!
Что-то особенно для тех, кто говорят по-русски и дочитали до этого места!! Вы молодцы и я горжусь с вами потому, что вы знаете этот прекрасный язык!! Никогда не сдавайтесь. Русский благословит твою жизнь! Обещаю)) люблю вас
Spiritual Thought
There is soooooo much precious truth in the New Proclamation to the World! Go give it a good study and I mean a really good study!!! And take every single day as an opportunity to HEAR HIM!!
I'm grateful for the opportunity to share His Gospel Message with all these other people here in Ukraine! I feel blessed by all my many opportunities to help and lift others!! Share with someone else! Find someone who needs a lift and pay it forward!!
Much Love!!
Elder Halls
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In memory of those who've gone before me (@ПапаРоджи @Расмусен) |
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Elder Payne's Last Kharkiv day |
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Наш Округ- Our District |
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Elder Wilson |
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