Week 87: Harvest Day Round 2

This week was so great!! I enjoy all of our many opportunities to gather together as a mission family! And this week we had a bunch!!))) I feel so much love as we are all gathered together and that love is really uplifting and supporting and it's a blessing to be able to learn from one another.

Harvest Day
This week we were able to find many people!! Our Harvest Day was such a miracle!! And I think it all started even before the day itself! As we were fasting on Sunday as a companionship we included in our fast a prayer that we would be able to schedule many appointments for Friday. And it was miraculous to see what happened as we began to call people! We were able to make many appointments and everything just seemed to fall into place really well. People were free exactly at the precise time we had an opening and we were able to pack our day full of lessons!!! I think the second miracle was the joy we felt as we were able to teach so many of this special message of the Restoration. I know that my appreciation for all that the Lord has restored grew! One of our main questions to members we taught was, "how has the Restoration blessed your life?" And it was such a great question to ask as we were then able to feel and listen to their testimonies! About halfway through the day we had a bunch of lessons in a row fall through and it was then at that time that it was another miracle as we were able to call and teach some over the phone in the time we had planned to be teaching another who no longer could meet with us! The Lord opened a way for us to reach the goal that we set! And we had so much fun and felt so much joy thanks to the spirit as we did so! I think another miracle was to be able to hear the testimonies of so many other missionaries who spoke about how their days were just as filled with miracles! And hear all the tender mercies and magnificent testimonies.

We continue to teach many people, we have been passing many of those we were teaching to other companionships as we found out they live in different areas of the city! But it's exciting to know they'll be still progressing and we can continue to find and teach others! One of these brothers that the Elders on Saltovka will now teach is named Stephen. He's a referral from Facebook and was originally interested in English practice and a spiritual thought. We've already taught him the first 3 lessons in just these 1 and a half weeks. He's an extraordinary brother and really wants to come closer to Christ and realizes his weakness. He's at the moment praying to know if baptism in the church is what he needs to do! I learned a special lesson on this lesson that we had with him. As we sat there I just had a prompting that it was going to be really important to listen to the spirit. And we were teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I really felt the spirit leading and guiding my words. 

This week we had 3 different sacrament meetings!! It was really great!! It's fun to just have a big day of spiritual uplift. We also had a mission wide Elders Quorum that was really great! 

Dima and Ukrainian 
Somehow Dima met a missionary that is serving over in the Kiev mission and he speaks Ukrainian and Dima loves Ukrainian because he's from the Sumy oblast and so he was going off about how this missionary knows Ukrainian and now whenever he talks with me he's always speaking Ukrainian so he's basically teaching me by speaking it to me hahaha. I don't think I'll work too hard on that because I still got to keep the Russian going good!! Haha

Spiritual Thought
I just want to talk about the temple! This week we had a devotional about the Kiev temple and the history behind him (haha). It was super cool and I've just been thinking a lot about the blessings of the temple. 

"We do not come to the temple to hide from or escape the evils of the world. Rather, we come to the temple to conquer the world of evil." 

I hope we let the temple be a blessing in our life and not just go there often to hide from the challenges of the world but that we use the strength and blessings of the temple to conquer all the challenges and we continue on to change the world!! 

Love you all soooooo much and happy mother's day to all the moms and to be moms out there!! And special happy mothers day to my mom and Grandma Margot and Grandma Debra!!
Elder Halls
Kharkiv Center District!!

V Day!!

I want my friends to meet borscht  


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