Week 3 A Pantry for the Kings
Another week in the MTC down and it seems like I was sending my last weekly email just yesterday so it's all kinda a little bit crazy and fast at the same time but that is just because being a missionary is so awesome!!
This week was filled with so many highlights but also so sad things that were hard as well! I'm doing totally okay so now worries about that! I'm gonna jump right in and tell all of you about my week!!
Thursday I had some great strides I have started to make in the language! Some times on the mission and in life it is hard for us to see the progress that we are making even when it is there and when we are progressing. This is because sometimes those little difference don't feel like much to us. But when we take moments to look back and reflect we can really see how well we are doing! We had TRC on Thursday where you basically teach members of the Church lessons but you do it all in Russian! So it's super fun because there isn't as much worry and stress with our progressing investigators cause they understand that we are learning! We had a great time teaching and it is amazing to be able to feel the spirit while speaking the Russian language! The words we learn are starting to become meaningful and that is so exciting for me!
Friday we had another lesson this one was with Egor. He has started to read that Book of Mormon and is really interested! We started to teach him more about the scriptures and he was liking that then he started to ask questions about it and that's when the wheels came off... We only know so much Russian so when they ask questions about things we haven't learned everything starts to go south. But in the end it all ended up pretty good!!
Soccer Saturday... I'm sorry to report that the Nordic Missions beat. But we have a good excuse. Last week our zone lost 6 districts (36 Elders or so) So the teams were unbalanced like 20 people to 50 so we were slaughtered needless to say. I'd love to say it was like one of the stories in the scriptures where even though we had so many less people we still reigned victories but that was not even close to what happened!
Sunday was a whirlwind it was super crazy. We had a way awesome sacrament meeting like amazing amazing. I can't even describe it. I learned so much from the talks I've got some many things that I can work on and I just love that. Things happened and I got put into a trio with Elders Grover and Atkinson who are in my district they really awesome and I enjoy being in a companionship with them! It's a new adjustment and something I'm not used to even though I've only been in a normal companionship for three weeks. But it'll be a good thing I know it!
Monday we had Aloha Plate for dinner and it made what was already a good day an even better day... That is all
Okay I lied more on Monday. My companion Elder Grover had an appointment in the clinic (No worries he's totally fine) And while we were waiting for him to be finished up there me and Elder Atkinson did a puzzle for about a half hour. I have never had more fun doing a puzzle in my life. I don't know how to explain it but doing that puzzle I was just the happiest soooo relaxing oh my goodness it was a good time.
Also we got our triple combs. in Russian and we were so excited! They're super nice and way cool and we all love them. We kept it a secret from on of the other districts because two people in their district had the same birthday so as their present we brought them in the triple combs and then combs for the rest of the district and they were so so happy it was awesome.
We had our first lesson as a trio and it didn't go so great! We only had 40 minutes to prepare for it and we sort of need a little more time because our Russian isn't quite there yet. It ended up being okay but we just need to work on how we teach together because it was something that was new and we haven't figured it out yet but I have faith in us!! The sisters in our district gave us a gift of a bag of gummy bears and we Elders really appreciated that! They're super awesome and we all agree and love having sisters in our district. One of the districts in our zone is just 12 Elders and I cannot imagine that it would just be so crazy I think.
The highlight of tuesday and the week as well! ELDER NEIL L ANDERSON CAME. We got to hear from an Apostle of the Lord on tuesday evening and that was such an amazing experience! I just want to share one little story from the evening! I could go off about all that he taught and all that I learned last night but I feel the need to share this experience.
After the close of the meeting Elder Anderson came down from the stand and began to walk around and shake hands of the missionaries standing in the aisles and front rows. As he walked around and began to shake the hands of these missionaries the spirit was so strong and we were all so happy for the missionaries that we able to shake his hand. The spirit was so strong as this began to happen and as we all stood reverently and watched! I was so impressed by him and I know that he is a true apostle of the Lord! After a little while of standing there all 2,000 missionaries in the room started to sing the Spirit of God. As we sang the words meant more to me than they ever had! "The Spirit of God like a fire is burning the latter day glory begins to come forth. The visions and blessings of old are returning and angels are coming to visit the Earth." As we sang this song the words were so meaningful to me and the spirit was there so strong. The spirit was burning like a fire in us. The visions and blessings of old that we read about in the Bible. That same gospel that Jesus established while he was on the earth is restored on the Earth today! And that I know to be true!!
I switched into a different room with my new companions so I left Elder Stosich and Elder Baggaley behind all alone by themselves and moved in with my new companions as well as Elder Olsen and Stowers who in the same room as me now. They're super awesome. They always say super funny things. One of my favorite is when anything bad happens they say "You hate to see it" or "You hate to hear it." When good things happen, "You love to see it." and "You love to hear it." It gets me every time so awesome.
I hope this email finds everyone doing super well!! I'd love to hear from all of you. It's great to hear how things are going in your lives! so feel free to send an email!! spencer.halls@myldsmail.net
Or if you a letter kind of person my MTC address is:
Elder Spencer Kimball Halls
2005 N 900 E Unit 28
Provo UT 84602
2005 N 900 E Unit 28
Provo UT 84602
Elder Halls
Our massive pantry in one of the rooms everyone in the zones eats out of this every night but it never seems to be any less food. |
My brand new Ukraine Dnipro mission shirt.
Me and one of my companions Elder Atkinson |
The biggest set of scriptures that I have ever seen in my life |
Our district with one of our teachers. Brother Griffiths |
Breakfast this morning from the roof of one of the buildings as a district! |
My District!! |
Another picture of breakfast this morning |
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