Week 39: Because of your chin
The Transfer Calls came around this week! Nothing changed in our companionship me and Elder Trounce are still gonna be serving together and now I'm our new district leader. But other than that no real big news!
This week has been a little bit crazy. We have had all types of weather on the spectrum. Super warm, crazy windy, cotton and tree pollen everywhere, light sprinkles, downpours, and one rain attack (sooo much rain...). However, despite of all that it wasn't ever really cold which was pretty nice! The unpredictable weather kinda messed with all the plans that we made this week but either way we made a good week out of it!
Last week on Monday we got together with our branch mission Leader for lunch and made some tacos and played some games. That was super fun! Taco Seasoning is a treasure in the country so it is always reason to throw a little party.
Tuesday was a pretty good day! A family in the branch got sick and asked if we could come over and give them blessings and we of course said we would. It was very peaceful and spiritually powerful and started off our day on a wonderful note. We had this really good conversation with this man on a bench named Peter, he's awesome. We weren't able to set up a meeting with him right there on the street but we are working with him now and hope things will start moving forward there. After that we had to go get Elder Trounce Registered into like Ukraine Residency I guess. Basically VISA stuff so we took care of that and then ended the day with some English Practice. We played one of my personal favorite games. "What's in the Box?" Basically there is a box and I put something in it and one person gets to see what it is. Then everyone has got to ask yes or no questions to figure out what it is. Feel free to try it yourself at home! Hahah
Wednesday there ended up being a problem with Elder Trounce's registration and we had to pick up this document that was driven in at 8:30 a.m. on the other side of town. This was also the first day of super crazy rain. So we were traveling all around town early in the morning trying to get all of this stuff done and it was a good little adventure and we got everything figured out good! Then we had a conversation with this really nice guy from Turkey. He was happy to meet some people who speak English! He was leaving that day though so we referred him.
Thursday we started our exchanges and Elder Stearns came over into our area. Then friday we were basically the whole day on exchanges and things went pretty well! We had a lesson with this man named Eugene and we basically just talked to him and really figured where he was at with everything so that we knew his interest and commitment and what we need to teach him! That went really well. And then later that day we found someone from America!! That doesn't happen super often. It was really weird to talk to someone on the street in English and have them not have an accent. It was a little trippy. He was a really nice guy and we hope we see him around in church here soon!
Saturday morning was transfer calls and right about the time president calls in I hear the phone ring and I started getting stressed out but I saw that it was just Vladimir, He called and said he wanted to meet at 11 so that was awesome. It was an interesting meeting. He was a little bit drunk but just a little- he was mostly normal. He told me that I have really strong character and will be successful in life. I asked him how he knew and he told me, "Because of your chin." Apparently my chin is just the right type of chin you need... haha
Then about 10 minutes after that the skies opened up and buckets showered down!! It was crazy. Within like 15 minutes the streets were absolutely filled with water I was soaked through. It was like I pretty much had just gone swimming. I would even wager to say that I have been less wet in swimming pools.
All in all it was a really good week! I feel like I learned a lot of great lessons! Many spiritual ones as well! I'm grateful to be a missionary and I'm so grateful to be able to see how many ways and how often the Lord blesses me!
I want to just close and share with you a little spiritual thought!
This week I read a talk by Elder Uchtdorf called, "Pride and the Priesthood" I just want to share one part from it!
"We don't discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves... Humility directs our attention and love towards others and to Heavenly Father's purposes."
I think Humility is such a blessing in our lives as we develop it. As we become humble we will recognize all the ways in which the Lord has blessed us. We will be willing and ready servants prepared to act and be the Lord's hands blessing and lifting others up.
Love you all!!
Elder Halls
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Right after our Saturday afternoon rain attack |
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A happier time with an umbrella |
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A stylin' leather jacket that we found |
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The center stadium in Nikolaev |
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