Week 52: I'm proud to be a Ukrainian

I'd like to start this weeks email out with a few lines written by everyone's favorite recent convert Anton: Church is True Book is blue Goin' through Nephi Two Fruit is Cool Bring me groove Proverb in tool Baptism pool Our way isn't crooked We are so cute To became ABSOLUTE Anton was baptized the week before I got in Dnipro he's awesome! This week he passed the Sacrament! So there's a little side note of success. Here's just some stats on the week: Zone Conferences: 2 Exchanges: 2 Other meetings: 1 Kilometers walked: 60.4 Shawarmas: 1 Ice Creams: 6 Now that you know a little but more about how my week went already let's get into some of the other details ;) Pday We had a super busy Preparation day this week we were getting everything ready and prepared for Zone Conference so that we would be able to, come Tuesday just stroll right on in and feel the spirit right away. So we were scr...