Week 52: I'm proud to be a Ukrainian
I'd like to start this weeks email out with a few lines written by everyone's favorite recent convert Anton:
Church is True
Book is blue
Goin' through
Nephi Two
Fruit is Cool
Bring me groove
Proverb in tool
Baptism pool
Our way isn't crooked
We are so cute
To became ABSOLUTE
Anton was baptized the week before I got in Dnipro he's awesome! This week he passed the Sacrament! So there's a little side note of success.
Here's just some stats on the week:
Zone Conferences: 2
Exchanges: 2
Other meetings: 1
Kilometers walked: 60.4
Shawarmas: 1
Ice Creams: 6
Now that you know a little but more about how my week went already let's get into some of the other details ;)
We had a super busy Preparation day this week we were getting everything ready and prepared for Zone Conference so that we would be able to, come Tuesday just stroll right on in and feel the spirit right away. So we were scrambling a little bit as well to get in our contacting talk with some people and have some meaningful conversations on the day. But the Lord provided a way and we got everything done!
There was one specific experience on Monday that was really special to me. As we were contacting I saw this man sitting on the side of the path and felt that I should go talk to him and as I crouched down and talk to him about Heavenly Fathers love and about prayer the spirit was so strong and I could see this man in the Lords eyes.
Back 2 Back
We had 2 Back 2 Back zone conferences. Yeah 2. It was amazing! It was cool to be able to learn from other missionaries see how even 2 zone conferences could be different and we could learn different things from each one. It was a great opportunity for us as well to teach and share our thoughts with some missionaries and its super cool to see how the whole mission and Zone and all that moves forward. We talk a lot about our mission language and speaking Russian at Zone Conference and it was really great! I really enjoyed it and too a lot of great things away from it. Russian truly is a blessing of a mission language it's so unique and I've really come to love it and it's become so special to me!
Teaching & Finding
This week we did a lot of both of those things. Right now we are find and teaching a lot of people. It's really hard to know what to write about or know where to start from! This week we started teaching 10 new people, but we also had lessons with some we've been teaching for a while now. I'll go briefly on some of the most progressing!
Nikolai came to church this week! He's been reading the Book of Mormon. We found out that he was on baptismal date about 3 years ago. He's progressing really well and loves church. Yesterday was already his 2nd time!
Sasha has a desire to be baptized and knows the church us true. He lives really far away and it's hard for him to make it to church but the desire is there and he's progressing.
Roman, is a legend I'll add a video of him playing the piano. He wasn't super interested more just curious but we had a really great lesson with him and he really wanted to begin reading the Book of Mormon afterwards and is progressing well now.
Slavik was really excited to meet, mid lesson he got a phone call from some girl and she distracted him sooo much. He basically forgot about all we'd said and left 5 minutes later to got meet this girl at the circus.... but he says his life has been better since the day we gave him the Book of Mormon. He promised to thank me with chocolate. He's a little unusual.
David our English speaking brother. Prayed for us in French that was really cool he's gonna read the Book of Mormon and pray for an answer
Sasha (bald) he's awesome he just likes to talk with us. He's got a lot of fun ideas and thoughts in his head. We'll see if we can help him out
And there are some others but there is the just of it!
Hopefully this week we'll get some brothers on date.
This week I had 2 exchanges! They're were both really good! It's the best to just work your tail off for the day and just get home and crash Haha and that's what we did! I learned all about medieval reenactments and other things of such nature from Elder Hamilton which was actually pretty legendary. The mission has definitely helped me become more and more cultured.
I translated Priesthood into English for Elder Crisp this week and that was exciting. We had a pretty lively discussion with a few investigators that were there that explained thoughts that were false doctrines so I was not only translating but explaining my translation. Because as I translated, "only some will be resurrected" Elder Crisp turned to me and started asking questions Haha.
All in all it was a really good Sunday in church!
Independence Day!
С праздником вас всех!!! As all of you know Saturday was Ukrainian Independence Day!! It was a great day. I was so proud to be in Ukraine and Ukrainian I wore my Ukrainian tie and took a picture with all these Ukrainian flags. Then I walked the Ukrainian streets talking to all the Ukrainians and wishing everyone a Happy Ukrainian Holiday. I love Ukraine же!!!
Everyone was out in the street wearing there vyshyvankas it was a beautiful sight. I realized how lucky I am to serve these people and how much I love them and this country! Go Ukraine!!
Spiritual Thought!
At Zone Conference when it was my turn to teach I decided to talk about first steps and faith! Heavenly Father is very willing to help us know what to work on and what we lack and still need to do! Many of you are probably aware of this if you've ever prayed with that question "what lack I yet?"
Sometimes the path seems hard and long but our faith in Jesus Christ helps us to walk that path and grow and develop. We show are faith by starting and striving to make the changes he asks of us and as we show that faith we will be blessed with miracles along the way!
Moroni 7:33
And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.
Love you all too much!
Happy Independence Day!
Elder Halls
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Elder Baggaley |
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Ukrainian Independence Day |
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