Week 51: Let's all eat a little more properly
And thus it came to pass...
That another week did pass in the land of Dnipro under the reign of Elder Halls and Elder Rasmussen. And they did take their possessions and traveled to the land of Kharkov and did meet together with their brethren.
And Elder Halls did part ways for a season with his beloved companion and went about the land with Elder McCoard, and together watched over all their brethren who did dwell in the land.
And thus it came to pass that they labored with their might, and upon return were joined once again with their companions and they did travel once again to the land of Dnipro.
Anywayyysss this was a really good week! Super busy too! Which is the best kind of week that's for sure!
Knowing that we would only have 1 and a half days in our are this week we got working super hard on Monday and Tuesday and we saw a lot of amazing little miracles! We were able to meet with those we are teaching and find even some new people before we left Wednesday for Kharkov.
In Kharkov we had Zone Conference and that was really good! Kharkov is the biggest zone in the mission and also has the most members and I'd never been there before so it was a really cool opportunity to be there for a couple of days this week! After Zone Conference I was on an exchange with Elder McCoard. A fellow Utahn! It was really great to serve with him! He's such a great missionary and we learned a lot together and saw many miracles! We had a couple of lessons that we taught with these two different guys who are really well progressing to baptism and it was uplifting to see their faith and progress and they're doing really well both of them! The spirit was so strong as they prayed and expressed that the desire of their heart is to be baptized and they're trusting the Lord with their lives and actions!! Faith is soooooo cool! Faith is the catalyst of change! It's what brings about great miracles.
About all of my comps have served in Kharkov and have loved it so it was really cool to be there and see what all the hype is about! It was really great to be there and it's a super pretty city! They're really close to becoming a stake in the city and it was super cool to be there see and feel that vision and know that it's coming soon and the kingdom is growing here in Ukraine.
After our exchange we hoped on a little marshrutka on down back to our hometown of Dnipro. 3 hoursish away.
Then bright and early the next morning we headed over to the bus station for round 2!!! We rode about an hour over to the little sleepy town of Kamenskoe. There I was on an exchange with Elder Decker, a Californian. Who's real home is Massachusetts. It was really fun to serve together. Поскольку there are rivers running through most Ukrainian cities each city has a left bank and a right bank and me and Elder Decker rode on over to left bank to распространять the word of God and cry some repentance unto the people! And it was really great! We found some new people and talked with a bunch of others!
Then we went to a place by the name of Roadhouse. There is given in exchange for paper currency food of the delicious variety. I ate a Burger from Mexico or a Mexico burger as others might say. It was soooooo good! I missed burgers and fries so it was a blessing and tender mercy for sure. After being fed physically I was ready to go teach and be fed spiritually. The man we had a lesson with Vanya , however had other plans. He wanted to talk with us about how important it is to be fed literally. And what we should and shouldn't eat. As the quiz part of our meeting began he asked me and Elder Decker what we had for dinner and lunch and breakfast the past couple days. And as we answered he became to shame us and make us feel fat because at 78 he's eating better and is more healthier than us. After rethinking our nutrition a little it came time to teach our lesson and it was really powerful and Vanya is going to begin reading the Book of Mormon! It was funny how strongly this man felt about what we eat. He wrote a statement to his whole family 2 pages and encouraged them to follow his footsteps read some of these books and eat properly. Good on him!
On Sunday we attended church in the Kamenskoe group and 6 people came to church 3 of them members ! It was really cool to feel the spirit there as we met in the conference room in a hotel and partook of the Sacrament. I had the opportunity to speak and share my thoughts and it went really well! There in that city there is a lady on date that is ready to enter the water of baptism we are excited that the царство is growing there!
Spiritual Thought
Hey, I wanted to talk a little bit about faith!
All of our actions and everything we do is because of faith. We don't turn on the light switch without believing that the lights will turn on! We don't turn the key without believing the car will start. We plant seeds believing flowers will grow... etc. etc.
We have faith often and even in many different things. It's not only in relation to God and Jesus Christ. Others have faith in a football team or a favorite athlete. It's important to know that if we are to be saved progress and grow in life our faith must be in Christ! Other things are imperfect and will always let us down. Our faith in Christ is what will lead us down the straight and narrow and prepare for the Celestial Kingdom!
Moroni 10:32
Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God
Lots of love!!
Elder Halls
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Kharkov Park |
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Kharkov Metro |
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Kharkov Bus (ft. Уставший напарник) |
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What Vanya calls the "Спасительный круг" or lifebuoy |
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Kamenskoe Group |
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