Week 59: South Jordaners
Hello family and friends,
And also any enemies that might be reading as well,
Haha just kidding we are all friends here! I need to start with an apology of the lack of photos or as sounds way cooler in Russian отсутствие фотек. This week I will send more pictures to make up for my mistakes.
Dalshe, which means дальше which means further:
This week was a joyful week as is every week in the service of the Lord! If we're talking happenings there were many of them. There were also some sadder happenings but as the Lord's hands, we can't be too sad when things don't go the way want because we're just hands. We just do the work we've been called to do!
A lot of the people that we have been teaching the last month or so kind of stopped lessons with us this week. One is going back to his old church. The other signed up for this service thing in a different church and quit his job and is using all his time there. So that was sad to see the 2 that have been progressing the best not quite be ready. So this week we kind of started from zero again and we're working our way back up. There are a bunch of those that we are teaching that we've had one or two lessons so far and have come to church once. So we're just moving forward teaching a lot and waiting to see who will progress and who is ready!
Love some gospel contacting and this week was no different! Lots of success out there this week. We met lots of different types of people from different walks of life. This week I was surprised by how many people we met who are from different countries. We met a Scottish man, a man from the Netherlands, another man from Denmark, some Americans, some people from Africa. But of all the people I met this week contacting one was a little closer to home than the rest. I was talking to this Ukrainian and he says I lived in the U.S. and he asks where are you from? I say, "Utah" and he says, "No, way I lived in Utah." I said, "SERIOUS, where?" And he said, "South Jordan." And then it went crazy, "FOR REAL??? I'M FROM SOUTH JORDAN!" He knows where Glenmoor golf course is and all this different crazy stuff. I was stunned. I couldn't believe that I found a fellow South Jordan resident all the way over here.
This was just like a way fun day for some reason. We felt like we needed to take a little different path that we don't usually walk. But we headed down to the river/boardwalk and everyone there was just walking super slow not a care in the world. Which just happens to be the best situation for contacting. So it was a really great day and we had lots of success!!
I went back to Pobeda this week on an exchange! I came home it was awesome! Pobeda is where I started my mission for those of you who are unfamiliar with your Ukrainian geography/ Elder Halls mission cities. I was with Elder Kottam who is treating my home area really good. I couldn't be happier! We had a legendary English practice which was really funny. We talked about poetry and wrote some poems together but then also this man brought some tea and we also sipped some nice herbal tea as we snapped while others recited the poetry they had just written. It was hilarious!! Haha
Also Elder Knowlton/Decker came into Dnipro with us and had a good time on an exchange. It was really great. I was with Elder Knowlton. He's an awesome missionary. It was a really successful day together for sure!
Spiritual Thought!!!
We just finished general Conference yesterday and I just want to talk about something that I noticed! So many different leaders talked about how living the gospel brings joy regardless of what happens in our life or our circumstances. We often share that same line with people we speak with on the street and often they don't seem to think that can be true or that it can help them but I've seen how it really does bless us and bring joy!! The Gospel of Jesus Christ will bring us joy as we choose to follow it!! I'm grateful for the blessing it is in my life!
Alright let's bring it to a close
Enjoy the pictures!!
Elder Halls
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Elder Cottam |
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Dnipro River |
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My Comp and President Wirthlin's house (left tower) |
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Tea Party English Practice |
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