Week 68: Merry Christmas !!

Merry Christmas everybody!! This past little while a lot has happened that's for sure! I've got even a few extra days to write about even! I'll try to be brief because today is Christmas and I've got some celebrating and thinking of our Savior to do! :) This week started with an exchange in Kamenskoe with Elder Knowlton. That's probably then 7th time I've done an exchange there because I used to be in a district with Kam when I served on Pobeda so I always think of my past experience in that little city when I'm there! It's a super great place!! This past week one of my companions Elder Rasmussen finished his mission he came into Dnipro on Tuesday night and we were able to have Wednesday his last full day together in a trio before he flew out so that day we spent a lot of time around all of the departing missionaries! It was sad to see all these missionaries that I know really well go home! It was also a very special experience to think of what I...