Week 54: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Alright everyone get ready because I'm coming at you quick this week ;)


Not long enough

Chalked full


As for the happenings of this week I'll get into more detail a little later right after the spiritual thought (mixing it up this week).

Spiritual Thought 
We were contacting and as we walked down the street I had a moment where I was looking ahead and saw a man just standing on the side of the street and I had the strongest feeling just of Heavenly Father's love for this man. I just really could feel how much He loves this brother. And as I got closer I went up to have a conversation with this man and he just rejected us and even said a few rude things. But that feeling of Christlike love for this man stayed. It was a huge testimony builder for me in that small and simple moment that would be so easy to just let pass by, how infinite and unconditional Heaavenly Father's love is for his children. I know that we can pray to develop that same kind of love. -Moroni 8:16 (it's a good one)

Personal Space
Here in Ukraine there are a few things that are just different. And before I get into that I'm happy that they're different I understand if it's not weird to them it shouldn't be weird to me because I'm the one that's foreign and weird here and what they do is the norm. We are all trying to be a little more Ukrainian. (Therefore if I come off more Ukrainian with you sometimes be grateful, it's a blessing.) So when people talk to you in Ukraine especially the older generation this conversations are always had very close to each other Haha. I'm talking like 1 foot apart and that's all. Face to face, eye to eye. Another thing is that everyone is always trying to touch you when you're talking. Haha especially those that are not interested. They politely say no thank you as they comfort you by rubbing your arm. That awkward stranger bubble just burst right as someone says that first word. I think it's probably a good thing. But it is pretty funny when all is said and done.

The Work
Its thriving folks!! Things are going well for us and for our district as well!! We're beginning to see tons of success! BLESSINGS. This week Nikolai accepted a baptismal date! It's a ways out October 19th but he's super excited to work towards that and he understands that he needs to be baptized!
Dima wasn't able to meet this week so were gonna have to commit him to baptism this next week but he's super ready!! He's a legend he'll make it!
We started teaching a family!! Aleksei, Veronika and their little tiny daughter Alyesa is also there. They're a miracle!! They're amazing. They really liked the message and the building. They didn't make it to church for some reason but the spirit on that lesson was SO strong!! We all felt it!
Anton our recent convert is a legend!! He was baptized not even 2 months ago and he's coming on lessons and is a spiritual giant!! He's awesome!
We're Skype teaching a family and that's going well!! Its super fun they're good people. We aren't sure how interested they are but they'll start reading the Book of Mormon and that's when magic happens.

So this week is the end of the transfer me and Elder Rasmussen are still together. Which is awesome and were seeing progress and things happen so we are really excited!! However transfer means we had a bunch of tickets to buy and travel plans travel plans to make but we actually got it all done fairly quickly! Which was great. If anyone ever needs a travel planning expert Elders Halls and Rasmussen can help you out for sure!

Ukrainian Moment of the week
A man came up to us that we talked to once before. He only speaks Ukrainian so when we saw him we ripped out all the Ukrainian we know. Привіт, як справи, як вас звати, дуже добре, дякую and all that jazz and this man thought we'd learned Ukrainian in the course of 2 weeks Haha. Always ready to pull that one out if the bag!

Alright well that's all I've got to report for now! Enjoy Dnipro day on Saturday and Sunday this week everyone. Don't forget to mark your calendars. You can celebrate by wearing your Vyshyvankas and eating Borscht with a extra big dollop of sour cream right in the middle! Let me know how it went ;)

Хорошо, и к всем моим друзьям,  являющиеся носителями этого великого языка, я просто хотел сказать вам молодцы, вы лучше всех.

 С любовью,

Старейшина Халлс 
The Dnepr river

Living in the former Soviet Union life

Elder Makarov from Belarus


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